Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hanging with Henry

Henry is loving Summertime. He particularly loves the swings at a nearby park. If you take him out he cries to get back in. And because he is so darn cute about it, someone usually will give-in to his persuasive request. 
 He has crazy hair. Just like all the rest of my kiddos. 
  Here is a less crazy hair day at the park. 
 Hot and bothered. 

When we go for our bike rides, he usually ends up getting water poured on his head to keep him from over-heating. He loves bike rides, and when he sees the bike puller, he wants to get in and go! 

*I have to give a BIG shout-out to Sammi, who rides my bike and pulls the puller while I jog. She has saved me with her willingness to not be a too-cool-for-you teenager. Heaven bless her! I think pushing the jogger stroller while jogging was part of my lower-back problem. I have been jogging FREE! Hooray! 

Henry likes to climb up on my bunk bed and find his favorite place next to the wall (my favorite place, too!). He will go there and start sucking his thumb, which he does not do so much anymore. He likes to look at the colorful slats.
 Yea, fun! 
 Silly boy. 

Sometimes at night, Henry gets the royal treatment of hanging out with mom and dad while we watch a movie. Henry loves to snuggle with Daddy. Of all our kids, Charles has had the most time with him. 
If I whip out my iPhone camera, Henry whips out his CHEESE! Love it. 
 He, he. 
 You will notice we are very concerned with fashion around our place. Only the best for our kids. 
The hand-me-downs just keep getting bigger. He is child #4 so he is doomed to dress like a big goober. He doesn't seem to mind . . . yet. 
To think I ever questioned whether or not to have "another baby". I cannot imagine our family without this little cheese-ball. Those times of torture and pain were worth it for this smile. 

Love this smoochy-cute boy! 


  1. I love Henry.....and Willy and Danny and Sammi and Mari and Charles.
    Can't wait to see all of you.


  2. Thanks for the chat yesterday. He's a cutie for sure.
