Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Dream I Dream

We all have a voice. No matter how big, or how small -- we all can choose whether, or not, we will share the voice we have been given. 

Your voice is more than just for talking or singing. Your "voice" can be your thoughts, your talents, the written word, or any form of expressing yourself, and your views and beliefs. 

Your voice is a gift given to you by God. 

You can choose to share it, or hide it. 

You can be brave, and shine forth. Or you can be fearful of what others might think, and cower.  

It is up to you. 

I was once asked how I can post video of myself singing. This person thought they would prefer crawling in a hole, rather than post themselves singing, for others to see and hear. (This person has a beautiful voice.) 

It made me stop and think . . . maybe I am crazy? I suppose I am. 

But who cares?! Not me! 

Here I am. This is me. This is my voice. This is my face. I am what I am. 

I am OK with myself. I even like myself! 

"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else -- which makes you unique." - Walt Disney

I am unique. You are unique. And we all have unique gifts to share. 

I cannot be anyone else but me, so I surrender to myself. Imperfect as I am. I love me. 

And though my voice (singing, writing, talents, etc.) may not compete with the great "Divas" -- I have something to offer too. 

And so do you. 

"Not being heard is no reason for silence." - Victor Hugo

Do not be silent. 



To view VIDEO on your phone click: HERE

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