Thursday, July 18, 2013

1000 Words

How did I ever live before the iPhone camera?!
(Notice my awesome camera case. Yeah, that's Bilbo Baggins door.) 
I love having a camera with me at all times, it is like MAGIC! 

The following are random images captured with my phone. And I do mean RANDOM! 
I am too lazy and hot right now to try and make sense of this post. Just go with it, OK? 
Pausing for water during a family run and bike ride. It was HOT! 
The Bridge to Gonzaga in Spokane, Washington  
Going for a walk in Spokane 
Gonzaga Campus  
Walking to the carousel in Downtown Spokane 

Riverfront Park Spokane  
Carousel Ride  
Henry's fist ride -- he loved it!  
Taking a break in Riverfront  
Japanese Garden Spokane 

The Mother's Lounge at Church
 (That place really needs a make-over, or at least a beautiful picture!) 
Helping Henry
Older kids are awesome with the baby
William doing his own thing at the park 
The fountains in front of Charles' office 
Visiting daddy at work (less than 3 minutes away from home!).  
Beautiful clouds 

Captain America and his Sidekick 
Climbing the tree at the park  
Hanging with Henry  
Subbing for Sammi and Daniel's primary class. Henry was my little "helper."  
A Sunday night drive up the foothills
Enjoying the evening together
Downtown Boise at Dusk 

A fiery sunset over the chapel
4th of July Fireworks  

William loved it.  
Like Father, Like Son.  
A fire burning in the Foothills. The next morning the sky was full of smoke -- NASTY!  
A friend of mine said her dream was to have Hugh Jackman mow her lawn.
 This was the best I could do for her. :-) 
Smoky Sunset  
Storm brewing  
Rainbow after the Storm  
Baby Henry  
My Treasure at the end of the Rainbow 
Rainbow into the blue sky 
Sammi about to smack Daniel 
An awesome bridge in Spokane
Trying to run faster than the sprinklers  
More smoke bombs  
Charles beautiful eyes . . . green on the outside, brown on the inside.
Love them!  
The kids piled up in a truck to watch fireworks with friends  

Fireworks above Boise  
Sidewalk chalk is loved around these parts. 

Thanks iPhone! 

iLove YOU!  

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