Tuesday, July 2, 2013

14 Years

I have a friend who is like a sister to me. We have known each other since we were babies living in Arizona. But then I moved away to Alaska when I was 4 years old. After that, I have only actually seen my friend a handful of times -- maybe 5 or 6 times? But she is still one of my closest, and dearest friends. Thank you to the internet for making that possible! 

Yesterday, Melinda came to Idaho with her family, and I got to see her for the first time in 14 years! The last time I saw her was when Charles and I were first dating. She was one of the handful of people who were in the room during my first kiss with Charles. (Our first kiss was in the basement of my parents house during Jurassic Park, after going two months no kissing.) 

She was also the first person I ever emailed, back when email was just starting to get going. I still have our emails from so long ago. 

When we get together (very, very, rarely) it is not like being with a friend, it is like being with family. I don't know what it is about her and her family, but we are just kindred spirits. And I am so grateful. I love her so much! 

Here we are young and free. She came and visited Alaska a few times, it was always so fun! 
Here we are in Arizona, where I would go to visit her. 
 Sisters! (In Alaska.) 

 At the beach. My brother John trying to show-off cause he had a crush on her. :-) 
 Here we are sitting on Charles' truck that he sold so we could have money to get married. 
 One of her Alaska trips. Hiking up to the glacier. 
I sure love this girl. 
 And though time and space may keep us apart, Melinda Pratt is always in my heart! 

Love you girlie! 


  1. amen for great friends....especially the ones you go so long without seeing or speaking to but can pick right up where you left off no matter when you meet again. i love it!

    1. Yep, Holden. I know, you know, I know. :-) Love!
