Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Love One Another

I want to stop for a moment. I want to peel back the opinionated, preachy, lecturer, me -- and let you into my heart. Especially since my tone has been "preachy" more than normal, lately, with all the excitement going on in the world.

As I write my words on my blog, I write them for me. It is a way for me to understand where I am at emotionally, spiritually, etc. It is like a journal, but my pen reaches far beyond the pages for just my private viewing. I am starting to realize that some of you who are reading my scribblings, may not know me personally. You read my words without knowing my heart, or where I am coming from, or who I am. So my words -- and my ways -- may seem very strange, and foreign to you. I will be working on this in the future.

Honestly, I don't really know why I am so preachy in my writing. I do have very strong beliefs and I feel passionately about them. Sometimes I will start by being really open, and brutally honest, but I almost always end with a lesson taught, or lesson learned. It is kind of strange, but it is how my brain works, I guess. There must be a reason? I'll look into that.

But I want to open my heart, now, so you can understand me a little better.

After expressing my conviction about certain highly-charged moral ideas, I feel like it is really important that you know how I feel about people -- ALL people. I am a people-watcher after all, people just fascinate me. We humans are just so interesting.

Normally, I have strong opinions when it comes to this or that, or right or wrong.

But when it comes down to individual people, I have one conviction and that is: LOVE.

When I look around me on the street, in the grocery store, at church, on blogs, at school, wherever I am -- I see my brothers and sisters. There are times when I want to just run up to random people and give them a big hug and scream, "I love you, don't ya know?!" (I am sure that would go over well . . . maybe I should try it?!)

My heart bursts for my fellowman. I want the best for them -- for all people. I want people to find joy and happiness, and live a good life. Like any good Miss America contestant I want "World Peace".

My fellowmen and "neighbors" have different standards, convictions, beliefs, habits, temptations, traditions, etc., but I still love them. I will always love them. Even if I have to battle against their ideas. Even as they battle against mine. Say what you will against me, fight against me . . . I will still love you.

Bringing it closer to home, I particularly love my next-door neighbors, who are Jehovah's Witnesses. They are some of the best, and most glorious people that I know. They are such good examples to me of love and kindness. We have very different religious views, but we have the same God-given love for each other. We take care of each other. We are brothers and sisters, after all. We live in harmony, despite our differences.

My love extends to all of my fellowman. I try to be a very kind person, and I do my best to treat those around me with kindness, regardless of the things they might do that I disagree with. Regardless of the struggles that people have, or the temptations they are trying to overcome -- my arms are open. As I would hope their arms would be to me. We are all children of God, some people just don't know it yet. We all struggle, and need love, and compassion.

Can I give it to them?

Yes. I can love people, and embrace them, without loving what they do. I can love them, though what they believe may not be in harmony with my beliefs and standards. I do it all time. I have a chance to love while disagreeing, almost everyday.

I love my friends who agree with my 100%. And I love my friends who disagree with me 100%.

I can love people without condoning their actions. I do it all the time with my own children. God does it all the time with us.

In my own family there are people so diverse, and unique, as to make you wonder how we have the same genetics. Many have had struggles, and trials, of epic moral proportions. And it is a wonder that they have not snapped under such pressure. These are marvelous, beautiful, people -- all of them. We all have different beliefs and views, but those things can be pushed aside for the thing of greater importance which is: LOVE.

I want you to know, I have this love in my heart. It bursts with it. It overflows with it. I want you to know that though I may "preach" in a manner of toughness when it comes to societal/moral issues (which may sometimes come across as harsh, if you don't know me), on the inside -- I am a squishy, love-filled, marshmallow. (I am pretty squishy on the outside, too.)

I love my brothers and sisters -- all of God's children. Whether you are with me, or against me, it matters not. I still love you.

Just thought you would like to know.

Yep, that means I love you, too. Whoever you are.

(So much for not being preachy . . . there I go again. I am hopeless.)

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