Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Let's Get Together

After 14 years (see post below) we were finally able to get our families together. Yesterday, I was able to meet Melinda's husband and children for the first time. It was funny because both our kids, and their kids, were nervous about hanging out with people that had never met. But by the end of the get-together their kids were hiding because they did not want to leave. And my kids wanted to go with them to their family reunion. 

The kids played games while the grown-ups chatted, and tried to catch-up on 14 years in 4 hours. It was also super hot (111 degrees!) so we were all roasting. Good thing they are from Arizona and are used to the heat! 

We had a little talent show where we made our kids perform and do tricks -- just like our parents used to make us do when we were little. My parents and Melinda's parents were super-close friends and neighbors when we lived in Arizona. The Pratts (Melinda's mom and dad) were a big part of my parents becoming more active in the church in their younger newly married days. We love them forever for that! Just imagine had they not been my parents friends, and fantastic examples . . . my future would have been really different, and my kids future, and so on. Crazy. So grateful to them! 
 Sammi played the piano. 
And Trae played the piano while Sammi looked on in admiration, and a little twinkle in her eye. (He is a few months older than her.) He is really good. Some of the other kids did gymnastic moves and other cute kid-style entertainment. 
 Then we went outside to get some pictures. It was so stinking hot! Too hot for Henry to wear clothes. 
 The van Ormer and Nelson kids. 

Me and Melinda with our kiddos. She has 5, with 1 more on the way! She is an awesome mom, and I am SO PROUD of her for having a big family. Her kids are adorable and fun -- just like her! The world would be a better place if there were more people like Melinda. 
 A bunch of cute kids. 
 Planning formation 

 Jace giving some guidance and help

Little pyramids. 
Notice the cute girl (Hinckley) on Sammi's back, she liked Sammi and wanted to be with her. 
 Whoops! Bonk! 
 Hinckley admiring Sammi. 
 So cute 
Precious girl. She was so cute, she came up to me and asked me my name and said, "You are so pretty." What a good girl, what a smart girl. :-)
 They had to leave for their family reunion. They drove all the way from Pima, Arizona! Whew! 
We had so much fun with them. My kids loved their kids and they said it felt like being with family. And it did. We are family. And that is awesome. 
We will have to get together again, hopefully sooner than 14 more years! Love you Nelsons! 

1 comment:

  1. if the twinkle in someones eye grows brighter, maybe one day you will be family.... ;)
