Monday, November 25, 2013

Beautiful Nakaya Children...

I want to practice taking photos of children other than my own. Lucky for me, I happen to know a few people who have some BEAUTIFUL children! Thanks for letting me borrow your jewels for a bit Melissa! You have raised yourself quite the models! (Again the colors are distorted a bit with blogger, the colors are much more vivid on my computer.) But you get the idea!  They already had perfect family pictures taken, this was just for me to practice, otherwise we would have gone on location somewhere, and color coordinated, etc. These are just  "Backyard Shots" taken in the FREEZING cold! Thanks again for your time Nakaya family!

My friend is from New Zealand, hence the stinking-adorable Kiwi hat her baby is wearing. It was cracking me up! 
I know you are suppose to avoid direct sunlight, but he wanted a picture in the tree. :-) 

They love their mommy! And baby Kiwi was happy chewing on the wood, so that is what she got to do! 
Beautiful girls! 
Handsome boys! (Just missing their Handsome Daddy!) 
Brother love.
Mama's little Kiwi. She kept touching Melissa's face with her mittens -- it was so precious. 
Seriously? She belongs on a magazine cover! 

What a cutie-head! 
Love the eyes!
The end! 


  1. LOL
    I like the ending LOL
    I'm loving those pic's Mari. Thanks so much. It was quick and fun and I"m glad we got some good ones.
    You're awesome. Now you told me how to get copies? How do I do it?

  2. I will bring you a CD with all the images. You can also click on the image on the blog, press save to your desktop, and then print! Maybe someday in the future -- like in the Spring when it is not freezing -- we can go to a real location, and get some more artistic shots. Your kids are so beautiful! And so willing! Loved it! :-) Thanks again for letting me practice! Love!

  3. You've got some really good shots setup in there. I love the end B&W.

  4. Nice job, Mari. And way to be beautiful, Nakayas.
