Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Smile, Henry!

Henry loves having me chase him with a camera. (And I do mean chase!) He may likely be the most photographed child in our family. With Sammi we had to actually go and develop film, and a lot of her history is on home-video. Daniel was at the beginning of the digital age for our family, but we do not have many pictures of him as a baby. William was born at the beginning of blogging and digital camera days, so his whole life is recorded on my blog. And Henry, well . . . every single aspect of his life will be extremely well documented!

Henry has the role of baby-model while I practice and learn. I would like to say he is easy to capture a picture of, but more often than not he runs the other way! My job is to just wait until he turns the right direction, or gives me the right look...though sometimes I do run circles around him to try and get a shot! 

"Huh? What Mom?" (Nice crazy hair? Time for a trim, I do believe!)  

 "What's that?!" 
 "Mom, my pants are too small, and my boots are too big!" 
 "Forget the boots!"
 "Forget the socks!" (This is one of my favorites of him.) 
 Just relaxing on the cold, wet, nasty grass. 
 "I hear something? An airplane, maybe?" 
 "I love being outside! Yeah!" 
 This was the last picture I took before going inside. He FINALLY gave me a good smile! 
I spend a couple of hours everyday learning everything about Photography that I can get my hands on -- and then I go out and practice. I have wanted to do this for a long time, and I am so grateful to Charles for providing me with the tools to do it right. (Love you, Babe!) 

I love Photography as a hobby -- you don't have to make a huge mess, and you can still create beautiful things! There is so much to learn, and so much beauty to capture and enjoy. And you can always, and forever, keep improving your skills. 

I also want to give a huge shout-out to my friend Jessica, who has allowed me to borrow her Photography binder from her college class. It is so amazing! THANK YOU!! 

It is amazing how when you love something, learning about it is a joy, and not a burden. I have really enjoyed learning so many new things in the last few weeks! And I am excited to continue learning and improving. 

My new favorite quote: "God makes the pictures, I just take 'em." - Ed. Urqhardt

1 comment:

  1. Cute little Henry! Little guys are always moving and that is why I love candid shots so much. You can get some good pictures without having them be still.
