Friday, August 16, 2013

A Post by Sammi: GIRLS CAMP

Hi! This is Sammi. 
I'm going to write about my awesome time at girls camp, while listening to Les Miserables at the same time. Oh Yeah!!! : )
This is what our cabin looked like. 
There were 7 bunk beds, 7 young women in the cabin, and 2 leaders. 
Our Junior Leaders, we had 4, slept in the lodge with 2 other people from our ward.

This was our view from outside the cabin. 
We all made the pink shirts we are wearing. 
The lady whose is standing up is Sister Kempton. 
She is a really cool leader. 

This is another place you could see from our cabin site. 
From here you can see the pool, it didn't show up very well in this picture. 
From this picture you can see the lodge though.
(and quite a few trees)
This is a picture of a few of us first years taking a first aid class. 
There were more than 30 of us in that class, not including the Junior Leaders. 
Over all, I think there were over 120 girls there! It felt like I had a lot of sisters. 
The Leaders were all super nice too!

Here's a  picture of some girls from our ward. 
The girls on the table are twins. 
The one in the Canada shirt is Lydia who's, crying? 
And the one in the pink is Paige. (I'm not sure what she's doing) : ) 
They used to babysit me when they were 11 . . . now they are 17!  
Here's a better picture of the pool. 
It was a really great pool. It went 10 feet deep!! 
The first day we only got 20 minutes of swimming. 
The second day, I think we had an hour, but I stayed in for 45 minutes instead. 
The last day we also had an hour, but I didn't stay in the whole time. 

Here's a zoom of of our view. 
I think it would be so cool to explore up there. 
There's a cave, more towards right that looked really cool. 
It made me wonder if anything lived up there. 

This is how we let our wet clothes dry. 
It was mostly towels and swim suits, as you can see.

Here's a picture of our cabin door. 
Our junior leaders really decked it out on the decorations.
I think that everyone is eating breakfast in this picture. 

This is a picture of our hike. 
All of the first years went on a nature hike on the second day. 
It was so beautiful!!
 It wasn't too hot on our hike either. 

The girls go marching 6 by 6. 
Hey guys! Wait for the rest of us!! 

There's a cabin off to the left in this picture. 
Can you see it? 
If you can, your looking at the back of my cabin! 
Pretty cool right?

We kept climbing, and the view became more amazing. 

That's quite the line of girls, one would say. 
I should've taken a picture of the lunch line at the lodge.

We had to stop for a minute while Sister Ogden looked for the path. 
While we waited, we sang camp songs such as "Black Socks", "A Rig of Bamboo" , and a few others I think. 
The girls in blue shirts are Junior Leaders and in the green are first years. 

The view was spectacular!!
For some reason, I really liked this hill, so I took a few pictures of it. 

Trees, trees, everywhere!!

I think that those are my really good friend Katie's fingers. 
We were at the front of the line, so there is a trail of girls behind us.  
Nothing better than a PB& and J, a cheese stick, water, and some crackers after a good hike. : )

From our lunch spot the forest looked incredibly large. 
Here's me eating lunch. 
Behind me, with the blonde ponytail, is my friend Mia.
 She, Katie, and I were a group on the nature hike. 
We also just hang out a lot at camp with another friend of mine Maddy. 
We were a friend group. 

 Here we are climbing up a hill. 
Here's a nice pile of logs. With leaves. 
Here you can see a few of the girls in front of us.

Here's a really cool bird. We even saw it's nest in a tree!

Here is a line of girls. This scene was super cool!
Everyone was really hot and just a bit tired after this part of the day.
But maybe 30 minutes later, we went into Idaho City for a service project!
It was really, really fun, but at the end of the day, I think everyone just wanted to jump into the pool.
: )

Here's a picture of our service project. In my group, we worked at the library.
We weeded,  moved rocks, washed windows, and a few other things.
Over in other places, girls painted signs, weeded gardens, and quite a few more jobs all around town!!
It was so cool!

This is a picture of where I worked.
I helped weed the bike racks.
The other girls working here and I got to work in quite the sun spot!
But it was really fun! 

Here's a picture of all the mailboxes where you can leave letters and notes for anyone.
 Look at all the kindness people give. : )

I thought that these posters were pretty cool too!

And this is the coolest thing ever! 
Another quote for your bed mom!
The Junior Leaders really got creativity flowing! 

Here's me the day camp ended. 
It felt weird to be home after 3 and half days at camp. 
But, I was glad to be back. 
I think Henry was glad too. : ) 
Heres a pile of shirts, pants, dirty socks, and a few other random things
Happy to be Home! 

Our service project even made the newspaper! 
See where that red arrow is pointing? 
Guess who that is?

Well, I had a great time at camp, and I can't wait for next year! 


  1. That is SO FUN! I remember girls camp.. GREAT memories. Glad Sammi's first year was enjoyable! I think it is SO great that they went and did service in Idaho City. I rememeber our service projects were more along the lines of sending color books to africa? i don't quite remember. I think being able to work hard and see the impact you make is a wonderful feeling! Did they go to Pinetop this year? I LOVED Pinetop! I can't believe the Aitchison twins are 17?! I remember when they were 4 or 5 years old! Anyways, glad it was enjoyable Sammi! :)

  2. I'm so glad you had a good time, Sammi. And I'm really glad you had a chance to do a "real" service project. It makes you feel so good to help others and make a difference. Be sure and keep us posted about your junior high adventures. I am excited for you.

    Love, Grandma
