Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School

And they are off! William is in first grade, Daniel is in fifth, and Sammi is off to the big land of Junior High! 

They were so excited that the woke-up super early, and got ready to go before I was even out of bed. (I guarantee that won't happen tomorrow!) I am glad they were excited to go. I was excited for them to go! Summer was great, but I do love having them go to school, too. I love this time of year. I am super excited for Fall and the holidays to come. It will be a great year. 

William was a little nervous for a full day at school, but once he got there, he was excited. 
 Daniel is ready to rock the 5th grade. He LOVES school. 
 Sammi was crazy-excited for Junior High. I hope it meets her expectations! 
 Henry was excited because everyone else was. He is saying, "Yea! I have mommy ALL to myself! Woo!" 

The kids all had a Father's blessings last night. We do that every year at the beginning of school. It is such a sweet thing having their daddy lay his hands upon their heads, and give them a blessing of comfort and council from their Heavenly Father. They each received different council, which applied specifically to them -- it was really special. It also helped me to understand their needs better. I was reminded how unique each and every one of God's children are. We all have different strengths, and weaknesses, and Heavenly Father is mindful of us as individuals. 

I also had a blessing, which was very special and sweet. One of the major things that stuck out to me was, "Take time to sing, take time to play. There are songs to be sung, and games to be played." I was also told to not worry about things I have no control over, and to do what I can, and let everything else go. 

Since Charles is the only one in our house with the Priesthood to give blessings (until Daniel is old enough), we decided that we would say a special prayer specifically for Daddy, as a family. It was also a very sweet experience, and I think it will become a new tradition. 

I am ready for this school year. I am excited for it. 

 May 2013-2014 be the best year ever! 

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