Thursday, August 22, 2013

Epic Storm

Tonight we had a pretty impressive storm. I had looked at the weather channel on-line before the storm, and I could see a red blob on the radar, heading towards Boise. Red means severe storm -- and it was a very severe and angry storm! It was like nothing I had ever seen before here in Idaho. The severity was in the drenching rain. It was like an inland hurricane. The force of the rain/wind was awe-inspiring. 

 The rain and wind was just ripping trees to shreds. Our backyard neighbors had a huge branch fall on their house.
 Gutters were rendered useless. 
 And streets were turned into rivers
 All in about 15 minutes. 

 As soon as it let-up we went out to survey the damage around our neighborhood. This was the end of our street...flooded. 
 This was the church parking lot
 We drove to a neighborhood down by the river, and the streets were 2 feet deep in water 
 It was crazy
 Garbage cans were floating in the deep water. Hopefully the houses didn't flood. 

 At the end of the storm there was this beautiful rainbow. 

 I love storms. They are so thrilling. This one was pretty impressive, and much appreciated by me after a summer full of 100 degree days and no rain. 

The rain and cool-down it brought with it was Heaven-sent! 

Hope everyone made it through OK! 


  1. it was an awesome storm, i was waiting all day for it to come!

  2. Mari that last picture is amazing. I LOVE it and want to frame it!!
    The first thing I thought was prayers were answered in helping to stop these fires and helping to toss out all of the smoke in the land.
    I'm not sure if it helped much but I'll be interested to hear if it did.
    The storm was amazing.
