Sunday, August 18, 2013

When in Idaho...

Do what the Idahoans do, right? That must be what Charles was thinking when he went to the Western clothing store to pick me up a hat, while he got himself a fancy belt buckle, a shirt, and some jeans. (He already owns cowboy boots from before we met.) 

I am not sure what it is about this place? But you do start slowly (and intensely) loving Idaho, and its ways. I have always said that it may not be one of the most beautiful places on earth, but it does have some of the most beautiful people. They are good, kind, generous, and friendly -- "Salt of the Earth" type people. And the beauty of the land, well, it takes some time, but it grows on you too. Over time Idaho seeps under your skin. (And, apparently, manifests itself in the urge to buy a big, shiny, belt buckle!) 

We have been here for 6 years this month, and Idaho has been good to us. It is a fantastic place to live. (But don't tell anyone, it is a secret!) 

We love Idaho! 

On another note...

Every now and again, Charles will bring me home something that expresses how he feels about me. It is rarely, almost never, flowers -- because he knows I would want something that lasts, and not something that withers away. One time he brought me home a pair of jeans that were way too small, but I loved him for it, cause that is how he saw me, and it made me want to do what it took to be able to wear the gift that he got me. (That was years ago, and I did conquer those jeans! Yeah!) We don't shop much (never) for clothes, so a gift like a pair of jeans is a real treat, that I did not want to waste. (And I didn't! Woo!) 

So, when Charles brought me home a cowgirl hat, what could I do but take a bunch of pictures to show how much I love it?! I do love it. I think it is way cute and fun. It was an unexpected gift, and it made my heart soar. Also, I must say, Idaho attire suits Charles quite well. He is a cowboy at heart, and I think it shines through in his smile when he fastens his eagle-stamped belt buckle, and slips on his boots. Giddy-up!

 I love this guy. 
 He is so silly. 
 And cute. 
 And... mysterious?
 I will follow you anywhere, partner. 
 The kids wanted to take pictures too . . . especially Henry. 

 William was being silly . . . as usual. 

 The only picture with me and Dan, since he was in PJs. ;-) 
 Me and my girl. 

I think I like this cowgirl thing?! 

Maybe I should start testing my confidence by wearing my hat in public? 

Maybe I should wear it when I drop the kids off on the first day of school?

They would LOVE that! 

Thanks, Charles, for seeing me as your hot-mama, cowgirl, girlfriend. After all these years, you still know how to lift my "Achy, Breaky, Heart".  I love you! 


  1. Love the pictures, love the hat, love you all!!! Your great grandpa is smiling. He always wore his hat. No matter what he did he was a
    "cowboy"at heart, must be in the "jeans".


  2. I've always thought about getting a cowboy hat and just never have.
    I think it's a great gift for Charles to give you cause you suit it like you've always had it.
    Great shots of both of you.
    This reminds me I should work on getting shots of me and Dru and the kids!!

    1. Melissa, you can get the hats at D & B Supply. Along with lots of other fun things. :-)

  3. love the hat! looks like you all should move to fruitland.....just sayin'..... ;)
