Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Sammi and Daniel are both at camp right now. Sammi left for Young Women's camp this morning, and Daniel left yesterday to go to Webelos Woods. 
My kids are getting so big and I kind of like it. Teenagers are AWESOME!!! 

It was funny to see the difference between preparing for camp. Daniel shoved all his stuff in a backpack last minute, while Sammi had a checklist that she has been working on for a month. 
Gathering at the church at 8:00 in the morning. We have a pretty small YW group, but it is Stake Camp, so it should be pretty fun. Sammi was SO EXCITED!!! It is her very first year and she turned 12 just a few weeks ago, just in time! 
They had to put together "Secret Sister" items for each day. Sammi's girl loved Hugh Jackman, so we made a shirt for her. Hope she likes it. I think I might need one for myself. :-) 
Have fun Sam! 
 And Dan and Jake, too! (Picture taken by Charles at camp.) 
May they return home to me safe and sound, and worn out from having so much FUN! 


  1. Looks like fun for both of them. I've always loved girls camp!!

  2. This makes me sad :(
    Man you know what I'd love? A T-shirt with that cool Wolverine poster picture on it. Can I do that? Is that even possible?
    I hope Sammi has the best time ever................oh and Daniel.
