Thursday, August 8, 2013

Even the Smallest Person Can Change the Course of the Future

I found her grave! While we were visiting Utah, we found Elizabeth Steele's grave! Elizabeth is the woman who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with her husband, who then shared it with my great, great, great, great Grandpa, John Murray Murdoch. I owe my religion to this woman -- this courageous woman who was brave enough to share her testimony. This very small, simple, woman changed the course of the future for hundreds, perhaps thousands of people.  Including all the descendants of Wee Granny (Mary Murray Murdoch).

Elizabeth Steele and her husband, James were part of the ill-fated Martin Handcart Company. James died along the journey after giving his food and clothing to his wife and children. That is James being buried with Elizabeth Steele looking on. 

This image is of Wee Granny who died at Chimney Rock. When she died she said, "Tell John I died with my face toward Zion." She is my great, great, great, great, etc., Grandma. That is James Steele, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's mother in the picture. And Elizabeth's two boys, James and George, who later went on to help settle Iona, Idaho. 

 Elizabeth has been meaningful to me for some time now. She was who I walked for when we did the Pioneer Trek a few years ago. It was because of Trek that I dug into her story more. I am so grateful for that!

The weirdest thing was how I found her grave location. I was actually doing a Census search for Charles' grandpa Frank L. Hines who lived in American Fork, Utah in 1880. As I was scrolling through the census I notice a familiar name, it was her! Elizabeth Steele, and sons, living in the same neighborhood as Charles's grandpa! Amazing! (A bunch of Charles ancestors lived in Utah in the 1800's, but we cannot find that any of them, save one, was Mormon.) Charles joined the church at 17 and has done a bunch of family history work for his family, which has been fascinating!

Anyway, I know family history is way more exciting for me than for most. But it is amazing, truly.

I just have to say thank you to Elizabeth. It is because of her that I am who I am today. Thank you forever! One day I will tell her in person, and give her the biggest hug of love and gratitude!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.
    How moving is this.....
    What a great post Mari.
    Great information.
