Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Before and After Request

Postpartum after Daniel (image to the left).  2 years later (image to the right). 60lbs weight loss.
 I am currently finding the girl to the right, again. I will get there. I know she is in here somewhere! 
I have a request. I have recently started to really take care of myself, and my health. I have made some good progress (20 pounds in the last month and a half), but I have a LONG way to go. I am looking for motivation in any form, from anyone.

What I would like to do is gather from you your health success stories, and post them on my blog. (I do not make money on my blog, nor do I endorse products.) I would like them for me, and for those who read -- for inspiration. And to pat you on the back for your awesome accomplishment!

This is what I would like from you. And I do mean YOU! (Melissa N., Becky C., Shelly H., Kary H., John L., Katie L., Celeste M., Hillary A., Jennifer, etc.)

Please, ANYONE! EVERYONE! Share your stories with me!

Please email me the following at:  (It will not take you long.)
  1. A before and after picture. Your very WORST before picture, and your very BEST after picture. (Modestly dressed, of course.) 
  2. A brief explanation of WHY you chose to change your life.
  3. A brief explanation of HOW you changed your life.
  4. Share what keeps you motivated to continue. 
I would LOVE this. And you will be motivating others besides just me! 

I recently got so desperate that I reached out to someone for help (something I NEVER do). It has been fantastic. I reached out to someone I love and admire for what she has accomplished. She is a rock star! I am so proud of what she has done for herself, and also her family. I even do weekly check-ins with her, and everything. She has helped me realized that my real problem is with food. I have been self-defeating myself all these years, pounding the pavement and eating cookies. (Duh!) The last 2 weeks I have followed her health plan (it is not a crazy diet, just a list of the proper food to eat, and the proper AMOUNT of food to eat). It is exactly what I have been needing. 2 weeks of strict adherence to proper eating, and exercising WITHOUT killing myself, and I have lost 10 pounds. And I feel SO MUCH BETTER. And my back pain is GONE. 

And that was my motivation: PAIN. 

I was tired of hurting so badly. I knew I needed to change. And I am changing. And so can you! 

So, please, please, PLEASE, send me your awesome stories and pictures!! I would LOVE IT! 



  1. Alright give me some time to get my stuff together and I'll see what I can do ;)

    1. That would be AWESOME!!! I must say, you are the best personal trainer EVER, and I love you. :-) There are a lot of people who read this who would greatly benefit from your story!!! THANKS!!!

  2. Wow, you're doing great! 20 pounds? That's awesome! I am not currently at my ideal weight, so I could use some motivation, too. But I'll try to get a before/after thing for you. I'm not too far off, and I'm working on it, and I know I can do it!

    1. Becky, that would be AWESOME! I know how hard you have worked and you look amazing. I would love to hear your story! Thanks!
