Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Rising Generation

Yesterday was a historic day for our Country. The definition of marriage between a man and a woman was struck down by the Supreme Court. I believe the result will be detrimental, and far reaching for America. 

Only time will determine the repercussions. 

I realize that many people cannot say anything about this topic, for fear of being in the wrong, or offending others, or now we can fear being seen as discriminatory, or intolerant, for expressing our beliefs. This is not a good thing. We should never be silenced. Not ever.

This is a free country. For now.

The effects of this movement are already making their way into our lives, without our consent.

Today we were out for a bike ride, and we passed a newspaper stand. The newspaper declared in bold print "Rainbows Win!" Underneath the headline was a picture of a two men doing things in plain sight, that was once thought of as unacceptable and repulsive.

I hoped that my children had not seen the image. But they did. They saw it loud and clear. We had a talk about it when we got home.

Just a few weeks ago Charles took the kids rafting on the river, and ended up at a park. When they got there, they could see a party was going on in the park, and so they went to check it out. They discovered it was a "Pride Party" and they quickly removed themselves from the scene.

When they got home, the kids told me about the party, and seeing grown men wearing high heels, speedos, make-up, crazy hats, etc. They were very disturbed by the images they saw. It made them feel really uncomfortable, and a little scared.

And this is their World. They are going to have to know how to live in it.

Yesterday, after the court decision, I felt very helpless to do anything to make a difference. What can one do against such a tidal wave of spiritually-destructive power? Just stand there and watch? I seriously felt anxiety in my guts as I wondered what is going to become of the world for my children. It was an emotionally charged day for me, as I have watched this battle for a very long time -- knowing this day would come. Am I exaggerating, and overly excited about this? No, I am not. I am concerned, very concerned.

I can see this issue causing confusion in many people. This is a battle of ideas. I have watched as people stand firm with diligence, or waver in indifference. Oh, the craftiness of men.

Today I woke-up with renewed passion. What can I do against this sweeping wave of destruction and confusion?

I can strengthen God's Army -- that's what.

I have a handful of little soldiers in my constant care. And I have been left in charge to teach them,  guide them, and help them to grow into defenders of truth and righteousness. It is imperative that I do not fail -- now, more than ever.

I had the older kids pull out their Faith in God books, and we began to have very meaningful conversations. We talked about what is going on in our society, we talked about their role in the world, and what they will have to face. We talked about having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion to guide us through these troubled times.

As I talked with them, I realized, this rising generation is ready. They are made for this time. They are tremendous, valiant, spirits -- sent to Earth armed, and ready, to handle these latter-day challenges.

Despite the turmoil of society, I am not afraid for the future. I am excited.

God is in control. He has a powerful army to fight the good fight.

And they will win.


  1. Mari, I found you through CJane and just wanted to thank you for your comment on her post today. You articulated so well and in such a kind, fair way, exactly the way I feel and think. It's sad how Satan is making good things (like morals) look bad and bad things (like homosexuality - *gasp*), look good in many people's eyes. But then again, we knew that would happen. It's in the scriptures. Satan is very cunning, and I can understand the ability to be deceived. Tolerance is preached relentlessly in our society (which sounds great!). Yet somehow tolerance does not apply to those who believe in a set of morals that are absolute - regardless of how much we love those who want to go against those morals. Unfortunately, "tolerance" as used in our society seems to indicate that you shouldn't only love people, but also fully accept their actions and choices. If you don't accept their actions, you can't possibly accept them as a person, let alone love them - which is, of course, completely untrue. But people are buying into this notion left and right. I hope you will be guided and blessed as you work at building your army in such a gracious way. Sounds like you're doing a great job. I hope that my little army can stay strong too as I teach them to love others while not giving into the temptation of blindly accepting their ideas and actions in the name of "equality" or "tolerance". If there are those who don't accept our love, that is their choice. It won't diminish the fact that it exists.

    1. Amy, thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it, a lot. I read CJane's post and it made something stir inside me. I never comment, but I felt inclined to today. It just makes me so sad to see so many people (church members with a voice) playing in the grey area on this issue. The voices of the world are getting louder and prouder, while the voices of truth and right are being smothered and silenced. I am glad to know I am not alone in my views and beliefs, as it is hard to find those who feel the way I do, even within the Church -- which is especially concerning to me. Thank you again for sharing your feelings and views with me. I wish you the best of luck with your family and future! You give me HOPE!

  2. Mari - I found your blog through your comment on CJane also. I stopped what we were doing and read it out loud to my husband. It said everything that I have been feeling in the most beautiful and articulate way that I haven't been able to. And then I read this post and I feel bolstered. I have so many friends within the Church who have been fighting on the wrong side, and sneering at me for being a hateful person, or a bigot. I have left Facebook because of it. Thank you for letting us know we aren't alone!

    1. Kylie, thank you, thank you!

      When I wrote my comment on CJane I was almost shaking with fear. When I saw her post, I just knew I needed to say something. I don't know why, I just felt like I should. She is a very talented writer, and very persuasive -- but I often disagree with her ideas. Honestly, the reason I read her blog is to understand another point of view other than my own.

      I felt an almost physical shift in the wind on Wednesday, with the Supreme Court decision. I felt sick about it, then worried, and then a little excited -- knowing that after the bad will come the good. There is so much to look forward to. These are strange times we live in, but if we are prepared, we certainly don't need to fear!

      It is so important for us to know where we stand, and not be afraid to share our beliefs -- even when we stand alone.

      The adversary wants us to feel alone. But we are not alone. We are not ever alone.

      Thanks for reminding me!

      Best wishes to you and yours!

  3. I have a quote in my living room, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson. I have been thinking about this a lot in the last few days. Our job is not to remain silent but to raise our voices for those things we know to be true. I loved this last conference because I feel like it prepared us so much for these things that are now hitting us so hard. Boyd K Packer in his talk said, "Tolerance is a virtue, but like all virtues, when exaggerated, it transforms itself into a vice. We need to be careful of the "tolerance trap" so we are not swallowed up in it. The permissiveness afforded by the weakening of the laws of the land to tolerate legalized acts of immorality does not reduce the serious spiritual consequence that is a result of the violation of God's law of chastity." and "We live in a very dangerous world that threatens those things that are most spiritual. The family, the fundamental organization in time and eternity, is under attack from forces seen and unseen. The adversary is about. His objective is to cause injury. If he can weaken and destroy the family, he will have succeeded." And there are soooo many more talks like this. I am so grateful for these great men who speak with the voice of God and who give us strength in an ever darkening world. Thank you for speaking out and for being firm in your beliefs and for having a virtuous family. You rock Mari.

    1. Thank you, Aurie! I love your comments. I love the quote by Thomas Jefferson -- perfect!

      I am so grateful to have a Prophet and Apostles to guide us. I am grateful we have such tremendous access to all of their words, and warnings. I am so grateful to have the Holy Ghost to guide us to help sift through right and wrong. It is amazing how words are being used as weapons to destroy faith and truth. So many voices preach in such persuasive ways, as to confuse the masses. But we do not need to be confused. We have pure truth, and the Word of God to cling to. Thank goodness!

      Yes, we need to raise our voices and declare what we know to be true! We do not stand alone as the world would have us feel. Thank you for sharing your voice! The testimony of others certainly strengthens mine!

      Many, many, thanks!

      God bless you and your family!

  4. I urge you if you have a chance to read this article

    If it doesn't come up just go to the huffington post and look for the title "Because he breathes, learning to truly love our gay son" I'm sure you have thought of this before, but what would you do if your child was gay? This is a family from Seattle, my home town and it's a heartbreaking example of what can happen to a young gay person who is at odds with his/her God.

    I understand that you are very rooted in your beliefs but oh how sad it makes me to read your examples in your blog post. Yes, you may have come across a pride celebration but please be reminded that it is also likely you could come across a celebration where there are no gay people and your children could witness a host of behaviors that you wouldn't want them to see.

    My children have yet to be in a class without at least one other child who has "two moms" or "two dads." I will tell you these couples love each other and their children as strongly as I love my own. They save their speedos for the pool and I are as appropriate as can be. All of the families I've been acquainted with have literally saved children from the foster care system and from my perspective their families are as beautiful as yours and mine. I see these parents at field trips, PTA meetings, the local sledding hill, the grocery store... you name it. There is so much more I could write but I just hope some day you are persuaded to build a different kind of army. Until then there are lots of us teaching our children that Government and Religion should remain separate. We're growing up some pretty awesome soldiers ourselves. Future adults who do not believe discriminating against a person because God made them Gay or Lesbian is an ok thing to do.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts, and I value your ideas. I understand where you are coming from, believe it, or not. I will work on a post so you can, hopefully, understand me better. It will be called: Love One Another.

      Best wishes to you and your family!
