Friday, June 7, 2013

Camping in McCall

We took our first real camping trip as a family. At first I asked myself why we have not been camping more often over the years. It was beautiful, fun, exciting, and memory-creating. The daytime was super fun . . . and then the night came. As soon as it was dark Henry started shrieking like he has never shrieked before. He screamed ALL NIGHT LONG! After about 30 minutes I decided to take him to the car, where the sound was muffled a bit, but he kept screaming. It was so bad I asked Charles to give him a blessing, which he did, and soon after he calmed down. I "slept" on the floor of the van, with Henry on my arm. I was up all night. No sleep. It was awful. It was also really cold up there, about 30 degrees. As a result of no sleep, cold, and campfire in my face -- I got sick. I am still sick now, though I am on the mend. Charles got sick too. We spent our whole special vacation in Spokane with hacking coughs and body aches. Fun. I think camping is out of the question until baby Henry is much older. Now I know why we have not done it more often! I think daytime trips will have to do for now. We all loved the daytime festivities. We made some sweet and silly memories. The kids loved it. They all slept soundly. 
Henry and his bonnet provided by Sammi 

Henry holding diapers. 
Daniel loves camping 
Glow sticks are a MUST for fun 

Glow sticks were the only thing that made Henry happy at night 
It was really beautiful in the Ponderosa Pines 
The tent was just a big playpen for Henry 
William loves digging in the dirt 
Nature walk
Hanging out in the tent

The lake was really beautiful 
The temperature during the day was perfect
There was a nice beach to play on off of the campground
Soaking in the sun 
Sammi Sunshine 
climbing the dock 
loving it! 
Daddy-Daughter time 
Burning Daniel's school agenda. Schools out! Yea! 
Cute Sammi 
Maybe in a few more years we will try again. Seriously, that night was AWFUL. But there were lots of memories made. The kids loved it, that is what is important. 


  1. Tyson thinks I should buck up and go for the kids sake. I always say, "Can't we just compromise with a tent trailer?" ;) The days are always fun and the nights terrible with little ones. I don't mind, not showering, dirty kids, even peeing in the woods if I have to. But, when the night comes I want a comfy and safe place to sleep. I'm glad you there were some good memories made. :)

    1. It was funny cause EVERYONE around us had a tent trailer. Camping with kids is OK, but little babies, not so much. Seriously it was such a terrible night, and I knew everyone else was suffering too, thanks to screaming baby. Not gonna do it again for a LONG time!

  2. All I can do is laugh!
    We had some of those nights too when Stephen was a baby. : )

    Fun pics though. Getting outdoors is the best!

    Way to go camping.


  3. Mate that sucks big time. Sorry man.
    Camping IS awesome though. Glad the days were nice.
