Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Day at the Park: Spokane

 The sky was covered in dark clouds that threatened to ruin our family outing, but we went to the park anyway. Despite the looming blackness, it turned out to be a beautiful evening. Charles and I were suffering from head-colds, so the kids played, while we sat coughing our heads off. It was really unfortunate being sick on our special family trip, but such is life, I suppose. It was still enjoyable. 

We went to one of the school playgrounds, so the kids could frolic, and we could enjoy the view with tissue and cough drops on hand. The school was Moran Prairie on the South Hill. It has a beautiful view of the sky from the playground. It was such a pleasant night -- despite being trapped in a brain-fog, and dripping snot. 

Sammi enjoying the fun. 
 The kids loved the new play equipment. Look how cute Daniel is. :-) 
 They had such awesome toys to discover.
 This spiny-thingy was a favorite. It would twirl round and round. I am sure kids fight over it at recess. 
 William ready to cross
 Pretty Sammi 
 She likes to throw her body around wherever she is. 
 Sammi helping Daniel spin. 
 Enjoying the view
Sammi loves to swing 
 William went flying on this thing -- with the big kids help. 
To the top
 Henry enjoyed his favorite thing -- eating the grass. 
 You can see the storm clouds in the background. 
 What is yummier than grass? Wood chips! Yum! 

Sometimes there is nothing better than a day at the park. 
Best of all, it is FREE!!! 

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