Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Family Bike Ride

 In the summer, we like to go for family bike rides. They are certainly more interesting now that the kids are older, and riding their big bikes. And it takes about half an hour each time just to get out the door -- since it seems a bike always needs to be adjusted by daddy. We all seem to go at different paces now, too. I am generally left in the dust of Charles and the kids. For some reason when I ride, the Witches song from The Wizard of Oz comes to mind. Do you know what I mean? When she is in the tornado, and her bike turns into a broom. Yeah, that is my bike-riding song. 

We got Henry a helmet to protect his little noggin. I just think babies in helmets are so stinkin cute. Henry does not love his helmet. He tries to rip it off, I am sure it is annoying for him. But it is still precious. My little melon-head. 
 Our bike ride last Saturday seemed like it was in slow-motion. It was really hot, and the wind was blowing. I felt like I was pedaling backward -- it was weird. Even the kids were not loving it. A few weeks back we rode in the rain, and it was pretty awesome. It made the temperature perfect, and it made the ride an adventure. But I guess now that summer is in full force I better get used to the heat, right? 

Let the good times roll! 


  1. Bike rides are a family tradition for us that we LOVE!! It's so nice living in a place where you can ride right from your front door to the green belt. :)

  2. oh how i miss a place to ride bikes! glad you all can enjoy it for us. :)

    1. I miss seeing you out there zipping past me on your bike!
