Saturday, June 15, 2013

Overcoming Fear of Failure

There was time, a few years ago, when my life was full of music. I was teaching myself to play the piano, and I was even teaching one of my young women from church voice lessons, in exchange for babysitting. I even played and sang a song I wrote, for one of my lovely young women at her graduation from Laurels. (I still can't believe I did that!) Music was just part of life. People would ask me to sing, and I would do it. I wanted to do it. I would write songs for skits and perform them, and sing at Christmas Ward parties. It seems so strange and foreign now, since music has been so far from me for awhile. But it is hard to sing when you don't feel like singing. And I haven't. Not really. 

But I am changing that. As I reclaim my health, I can feel me -- the me that feels good and is happy -- coming to the surface again. And I am so glad. I thought I would be trapped in my prison of pain forever. But I am starting to see the light of health and vigor at the end of the tunnel. 

I will get there. I can feel it! 

I just came across this video of a song I wrote a few years back. I wrote it when we were going through a crazy time. I thought it was interesting that my old self wrote a song that would inspire my new self to carry on without fear. :-) 

Replace fear with faith and move forward. 

Take the Step of Faith.

It means something different to me now than it did then. But it just goes to show you we are always fighting the battle of faith in some form. Just keep moving forward, and don't let the fear of failing get in your way! 

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