Thursday, June 20, 2013

Movies from the 80's

Last night Charles was determined that we should watch a movie from our childhood. (Because there is such a vast array of quality entertainment to choose from the 1980's era.) For our viewing pleasure, he wanted to show the kids the 1985 version of Return to Oz. Have you ever seen that movie? Did you require therapy afterwards?

I can remember seeing the movie as a child, and having nightmares about the evil lady with the detachable heads. After watching it last night -- for the first time since my childhood -- it was as freaky and disturbing as I remembered it. In my opinion, it is NOT a movie for young children. I did not allow William to watch it. It was an awful, terrible, unsettling, psychotic, and a completely ridiculous movie. Badly done, Disney. Badly done indeed!

After watching Return to Oz, it made me recall many other therapy-inducing movies from my childhood.

For example:

Labyrinth:  David Bowie is enough to frighten anyone, not to mention the baby snatching, and freaky muppets. I can't stand this movie.

The Dark Crystal: I have never watched this all the way through, it is too ridiculous for me.

The Secret of Nimh: No, thank you. Yikes.

The Never Ending Story: Creepy, and fascinating -- at the same time. But mostly creepy.

The Black Caldron: Talk about a freaky bad guy!

Willow: Unsettling.

Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure: NO COMMENT.

Ghostbusters: Ummmm . . . please no.

Goonies: It wants to be good, but it is not.

Legend: Ummm, frighteningly strange.

I am sure the list could go on and on. It is a wonder that we children of the 80's made it through our childhood with such awful "entertainment." It is unfortunate that space in my brain was taken up by such frightening and disturbing movies! No wonder I had so many fears and nightmares! YIKES!

Oh the 80's . . . why? Just why?


  1. Have you guys seen Krull? It goes really well with the other movies on your list! :) For some reason, it's one of Jeromy's favorite nostalgic movies.

  2. Time Bandits. 1981. Scary.


  3. "The Last Unicorn." Add that to your list!

  4. I agree....lots of weird, creepy movies in the 80's!

  5. HaHa! Maybe I'm that warped, but I love most of the movies on your list! (Except for Black Cauldron...I can agree with you there.)
