Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Hero Battle: By Sammi

If you were watching a super-hero battle and you had to chose who you thought would win......... ....who do YOU think would win?????

This is a commonly asked question in our house.

Some of you are probably thinking, well Superman could just freeze breath them all, end of story. Let's try not to think about the unfair fact that Superman was given all of the good stuff.

I would really love to hear everyone's opinion about this, so please leave a comment.

Who do you think it would be?

Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Hawkeye, or Black Widow? 


  1. Sorry, I'm a superman fan.


    PS That doesn't mean I won't keep up with all the current movies about the "heroes".

  2. i think superman would win, but i would totally be rooting for iron man to win...especially it he's robert downey jr. :)

  3. Since Superman is a real superhero, and the others are like little pieces of him all broken up, I would say it is not really fair. But if we keep the ultimate Superman out of it, I am thinking Thor. :-)

  4. Wolverine.


  5. So far all of these responses seem pretty likely, but personally (if Superman were not in the fight) I think Captain America would win because he's about as strong (if not, stronger ) than Superman, and he has a good heart.

    Daniel van Ormer

  6. I think Spiderman would win because he has webs. And in Spiderman 3 he got in a black spiderman suit, then he switched back to the normal one, and he can climb buildings, and he can throw stuff with his webbing, and that's the end.

    William van Ormer (age 6)
    Typed by Mom


    Baby Henry

  8. Well, I do see how Superman would win but if he weren't in the fight, I think that Iron Man would have a good chance. That and he's my favorite : ) -Sammi

  9. I just keep thinking of the VeggieTales song, "God Is Bigger Than the Bogeyman...He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV..." and a quote used in one of their old, online games, "GOD is the biggest!" So, it's a cheesy answer to a hypothetical question, but I'm gonna' agree with the veggies and say that nobody else would compare to that superhero.

  10. Well said : )
