Friday, June 14, 2013

Spotlight on Health: Melissa N.

A note from Mari: Over the next few months, I am going to post inspirational stories of successful weight-loss, and good health -- for inspiration, and motivation. (For me, and you!) All of those who are spotlighted will have a different way of accomplishing their goals. I do not endorse, or promote, any particular way to achieving good health, but I DO promote finding what works for you, and DO IT! There is one thing I do know about weight-losss, and that is that more often than not, the problem is TOO MUCH FOOD! My hope is that you will find someone who resonates with you, and if you are fighting the battle, you can do what it takes to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! You can do it!  -Mari 

Melissa is AWESOME. (Awesome is one of her favorite words.) She is my friend, and now my personal trainer, too. She is from New Zealand, and she has the best accent EVER. If you are her friend you are her "mate." And I just love that. It was because of Melissa's success that I reached out to her for help (which I NEVER do!). But I knew she could help me. She is just that kind of person. I also know I am accountable to her, and she will beat me up if I give up, so that helps a lot! Her dream is to become a speaker for Time out for Women. And you know what, I believe she will do it. Melissa has four adorable children, with the most stunning eyes -- you should see them! She is a hot mama, and I know she will accomplish her goals. 

I chose to change my life cause I was sick of being overweight and feeling depressed because of it. Every child I gained weight and it was extremely tough to lose. I decided to get a personal trainer and I've never regretted that decision. He's put me on a meal plan and can answer all my questions about my body. He measures me in more ways than a scale does and is full of information.  He knows me and how I am and helps me be accountable for my body and it's exactly what I need. He's tough and doesn't take my crap. He makes me work for my weight loss and I find it liberating. His workouts and my clean eating help me to take charge of my weight loss and I've started seeing muscles I didn't know still existed in my body. To be accountable to someone helps my motivation. Paying money to him helps as well since we don't have a ton of money and I don't want to waste our families money by not trying my best. I'm not at my goal yet, but I'm liking my journey and the success I'm feeling along the way.


  1. Awesome Melissa! You look great!! :) @Mari- great idea for your blog. :)

    1. Thanks. :-) I am hoping to inspire people to better health, and I am not just focusing on weight-loss (thought that is a big part of it!). We can all do a little something more to love the bodies we have been blessed with! It is always nice to actually FEEL GOOD!! Right? ;-)

    2. Yeah, like we talked about the other day. Maybe I should set some goals to better health and do a before and after....seriously! Not so much pictures but words. I feel like my insides are just junk right now. Little motivation, low energy, sometimes even a little depressed. I'm sure I could make a few changes for the better so I'm actually enjoying life and not just enduring. I'll think about this and make a list of changes for myself and go to work. Saying it out loud is a little scary because it seems to make me more accountable! We'll see what happens from here I guess.

    3. I didn't mean the before and after needs to be on your could be a while.

    4. Rachelle, that would be AWESOME. I am looking for ALL TYPES of different stories of taking better care of our bodies. Because no matter what size we are, when we are doing SOMETHING to make ourselves better, then we feel better! It takes work, but we are worth it! I think health can be seen in things like our faces, too, not just from our necks down. I mean, just look at my before and after from a few years ago -- it is pretty obvious which girl was happier. So, I would love it if you would share your story with me in the future! And pictures! It is amazing how spiritual and physical health are so closely knit. Good luck! Remember to DRINK YOUR WATER!!!! Seriously, try drinking 96 oz of water a day, for a week, and see if you feel better! And doing something to move your body should be refreshing, too. I have just recently felt so beyond awful that I am grateful to just not feel pain! If what you are doing right now is not helping you feel good, then change it to feel better. :-) I know you can overcome those feelings that drag you down and find a happier feeling you. (Trust me, I know exactly how you feel!) Take good care of yourself mama. With all your boys you are going to need all the energy you can get! :-) Temple trips start in the Fall too. So that will be good!

  2. Thanks again, Melissa. You are so fantastic. Beautiful on the inside and out!

  3. You're welcome.
    Thanks for your kind words.
