Saturday, June 29, 2013

Which Way is Right?

I take the kids out for bike rides early in the morning. It can be a real trick balancing the 4 kids, and attempting to jog (super slow) at the same time. We are quite the traveling circus.

Sometimes, when we are on the open trail, the kids like to zip-off ahead of me, and out of my sight. Before they escape from my view I always frantically yell, "Stay to the right!" 

It is a basic rule of safety while traveling on the trails -- you MUST stay to the right, or you risk dangerous consequences, such as head-on collisions. You risk your safety, and the safety of others.

It is also dangerous to ride in the middle of the trail. Sometimes my kids will swerve in-and-out of the lines -- playing with danger, and testing their mortality. They dance around in the grey-area.

And if you get off of the trail -- even just a little -- you are almost guaranteed a goat-head in your tire to deflate your fun.

"Stay to the right!" I yell. Over, and over, and over.

And then a young child will plead, "Mom, which way is right?"

Ahhhhh . . . and there it is.

How can you, "Stay to the right," if you don't even know which way is right?

You can't.

And that is where we are now.

So many people are cruising down the road of life, not knowing where to turn. They are not following the rules of the road, and they are risking their safety, and the safety of others. Some people swerve in-and-out of the lines -- tempting fate, while some people veer off the trail completely, and some people purposefully head into oncoming traffic.

"Stay to the right!" 

If you do not know which way is right . . . read the Road Map of Life: Here.

Happy & Safe Trails!

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