Friday, May 3, 2013

Birthday Boys

Our boys were all born in April. When it came time to give birth, I had to choose my days to be induced. I had to decide on giving them all the same birthday, or giving them each their own day. I thought I would be nice, so I chose to give them each their own special day. So, last week, the day after we moved into our little house, and with a house full of boxes, we had Henry's birthday, then Dan's, then William's. Since that sounded like a lot of cake, we decided to go with the six pack of cupcakes -- perfect for our family. That way we were not snarfing on cake day after day. It made it enjoyable. They each got to choose their flavor, even Henry. :-) I sure love my boys. Just think how fun it will be when they are big. When Sammi leaves the house in 6 years (yikes!), I will have only boys!! I must say, I like boys. They are fun. (I like girls, too. Sammi is princess around here.) One of my favorite thoughts is that Daniel is going to be the one who baptizes Henry when he is 8, and Daniel will be 17. How sweet is that. Love it. 

Henry was born Aril 24th. He is one! This last year went by SO FAST!!! I cannot even believe it. 
He was a little scared of the birthday song at first . . . 

 Then embarrassed . . . 
 He looked to Dan for comfort to see if it was going to be OK . . . 
 And then he oinked down his cupcake . . .Yum, Yum! 
 Daniel was born April 25th. He is 10! CrAzY!!!! He is such a good boy. Love him. 
 William was born April 26th. Sammi thought she would help serenade him on the Sax . . . 
Cute boy . . . love him! 
Happy Birthday Boys! You are Fantastic! Love you all! 


  1. What fun.
    Happy birthday to your boys.

  2. Grandma loves and misses all of you. (I know Grandps does too.)
