Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Space Saving

When we first moved back into our little house, I said a special prayer. I prayed that our small space would be like unto the miracle of the "loaves and the fishes." I prayed that our small space would not be too small, but that our space would be made "large" because of the feeling of love that exists in our home. In the last few weeks, I have felt that prayer answered, and I am so grateful. 

Along with filling our home with love, we are also reducing all the "stuff" in the home that we can, so that the space we do have is comfortable, and not cluttered. It makes ALL the difference in the world. In the last 2 weeks, our home has been amazingly orderly and clean -- mostly because we brought so little into it in the first place! I love it. It makes my job SO much easier. Cleaning is a quick item of business. 

It is amazing what cruel task-masters stuff can be. It can become daunting just to take care of stuff. It is also amazing how free you can feel with less stuff around you. Now, don't get me wrong, I like special things. I enjoy lovely pictures on the wall, and some choice knick knacks that cause you to smile when you look at them. But stuff, stuff, everywhere, makes me feel overwhelmed. For example, we have over 10 boxes of toys in the garage that the kids have not touched in 2 weeks, and they have not requested them once. Those toys used to just be a mess on their bedroom floor. Their floor has been clear for 2 weeks. Stuff, stuff, stuff. They do have legos that they love to play with, and those boxes of toys are in the garage if they need other toys. But funny thing, they find other things to do . . . they get creative -- rather than just make a mess. It has been educational, the last little while. Realizing how very little one needs to be happy, and satisfied. 

It's like that story of the boy who was playing with 1 car that he loved, and a lady saw that he loved it so much, she brought him 20 cars -- to make him happy. But the boy was not happy anymore, he was overwhelmed with the amount of cars before him. The boy was happy with 1, not 20. 

Are we any different? 

I don't think we are. No, I really don't think we are. 

Saving Space
One of my favorite things about our home is Sammi's closet room. She was in it before, but we made a few improvements: painted all the wood white, covered her bed plank with a cute material, put in an outlet, and she has new carpet. It is a charming room, her room of dreams and imagination, and she loves it. 
 The closet is off of the boy's room, so they are all together, but separate. They love all being together. I love having them all together. There are, of course, a few disagreements here and there, but they generally get along super. It makes me happy. The kids love to talk at night, they sing together, and I find the older kids reading to William, and entertaining Henry, and all sorts of moments that warm the heart. My goal is to raise children who love each other, and who are "tight" with each other. I love to go in before bed and they are all right there together. I just can't explain how happy it makes me. I just love it. 
 We got the boys triple bunks for when Henry is out of his crib. (Henry is now in his pack-and-play in their room, too.) The boys love their new bed. I must say, it was a real joy to put together. They have the same bunk we do. The second round of bed construction was a LOT faster, with less colorful words involved. Charles and I had fun putting them together, together. If you ever need a bunk bed put together, we are basically pros. 
 The cool thing about this bunk is the trundle also has drawers underneath. Every little storage space helps! 
 Our bunk is awesome. We got the stairs for Charles, so he has an easy up and down. The stairs are also drawers . . . can't beat that! 
 There are also drawers under my bed, huge drawers. They are super. 
(Notice that carpet, it is so lovely. I love having carpet rather than wood flooring in the bedrooms.) 
 We also got a microwave to put above the oven, which opens up a lot of counter space. We have new tile in the kitchen, since the renter damaged our wood flooring with cat pee. (Our renter is another story entirely, for another day.) But I love the tile, it is beautiful, and feels good on the feet. 

 Having a smaller space to "control" has made me feel more free to go, and do, and live. (You might also notice an increase in blog posts, now that I have time.) Since moving away from our other location I have also saved on travel time. I calculated that over the course of one school year I would have traveled 5400 miles, to and from school (150 miles a week). Now, I travel 5 miles a week (180 miles a school year), to get William from Kindergarden. (The kids walk to and from school). Next year school travel time: 0 miles. Just think of the savings in time and money! Wow. I know we are lucky to be located where we are. It is a fantastic location. 1 minute to and from everything we do. 

Life simplified. That is what I am after. The reduction in my stress levels have been HUGE. 

Now, I am not out to offend anyone or everyone who lives "large." By all means, live in a way that makes you happy. How we live is certainly not for everyone. But as for me and my house, small and simple has provided a profound sense of peace and joy. And I want you to know that despite what society tells you, you don't have to live large to live happy. 

As Sabrina (the chauffeur's daughter), said to Linus (the billionaire), "More isn't always better. Sometimes more is just more." 


  1. Just read this this morning:

    "The gospel in Africa is going to a happy people, very unencumbered by the trappings that affect the lives of many in the West. They are not concerned about having endless material possessions."

    I think "unencumbered" is the perfect word for what you're describing :)


  2. This is amazing and I love it. Your house looks so nice. Housewarming?

  3. I love the bunkbeds and all the storage that came with them. Those stairs are awesome and perfect probably make it easier on an old man like Charles. ;) I am glad you are settling in and happy and loving life!

  4. wow...i never thought i would say this....the bunk beds are making more and more sense! and sammi's room is the coolest room in the house, i would have wanted it for my own at her age. :)

  5. Great job fixing up your house! I'm still mad at your renter. Cat pee on the hardwood floors?! I'm still not sure about the bunk beds for you and Charles, though... :) But if I ever need bunk beds put together, I'll know where to go! (All the way to Idaho, I guess!)
