Thursday, May 23, 2013

Living in AWE

Do you live in awe of the world around you? I saw this video link on facebook today. I love it. Sometimes I feel like I live life with my eyes half-closed, but there are times when I do have "AWE" moments.  I call them "Rose-Colored Glasses" moments. It is in those moments -- when even simple things become magical -- those are the moments that I feel the most alive, the most love, and the closest to God. Sometimes I have to create those moments myself, and sometimes they just happen, unexpectedly. I want to have more "AWE" in my life. I want to see the things around me and marvel at their glory. I want to feel my body full of life and excitement, just because I am alive. I mean, golly, we get one chance at this mortal life, we might as well fully glory in it! Right?! Right. Look around, open your eyes, and let your body freak-out in excitement at the world around you! That's right, go ahead and scream for joy! HOORAY!

Watch the video. 

Moments that make me go AWE!!!!

Outside the gates of Disneyland

Playing at the park in Spokane 


Manito Park in Spokane 

Relaxing with the kiddos 

Japanese Garden in Spokane 

Summer Days 

Denali National Park

Sitting in the Sun 

The magic of water! 

Staying cool in a hammock -- nothing better!  
Oh, what's that?! Love the curiosity of babies. 
Garden of the Gods. Amazing place. 

Such a peaceful glorious location 

Throwing rocks in the river
Playing in the dirt! (That used to be our backyard in the house we are in now!) 
Sun Valley, Idaho. Beautiful. 
Playing in the mud
Barefoot in the sand  
Pulling a handcart
Discovering a rainbow 
Sitting in a "sun square" 
Jumping in the leaves
Smiling for the camera
Riding on the carousel 
Pondering life on a swing 
The majesty of the Tetons 
A  glorious morning sun
I left my heart there . . . 
Witnessing the first breath 
Flying a kite 
Experiencing labor pains 
Being in love, in San Francisco
Looking at exotic animals
Holding hands  
Riding a train  
Fighting the dark side 
Smelling Disneyland 
Disneyland at night 
Sunsets on the ocean 
Sun and water 
Going down the twisty slide  
Walking through Riverfront Park 
Lying on the grass, reading a good book  
Summer sledding in Alaska  
Enjoying Nature  

Good company 

Stanley, Idaho. SO FUN! 
Sawtooth mountains 
Being a Ma and Pa and loving my Trek Kids
Having the "Courage to Continue" 
Sunrise in the early morning 
100 degree weather 
The Salt Lake Temple 
Brothers that love each other 

Running in the sand 
Having a protector  
Family love  
Going for walks

The wonder of a child
God's Creations. 

I could go on and on . . . and that is the point! 
Live in Awe of your life!!! 


  1. AWEsome! Loved all the pics. Life is wonderful and full of wonder. We definitely need to appreciate it more.


  2. Nice compilation!! I especially love the Spokane and Colorado pictures! Come back any time!
