Thursday, May 9, 2013

Picture Overload

 Are you ready for the cuteness?
I went out today with my friend Rachelle, and she brought her snazzy camera. These pictures are proof that an awesome camera takes awesome pictures . . . and Rachelle has a good eye, too! She is not a professional photographer, but I am thinking she should be. I did the photo-editing on the following images, so blame me, not her. 

It is amazing how a camera makes a difference. 

For example: 
The image on the right was taken with my iPhone camera, and the image on the left was taken with Rachelle's snazzy camera. 

I love the clarity. 
Especially the way you can capture eyes -- the windows to the soul. 
The pictures today are just of Henry and William, the other kids were in school. 
But we will have another photo session with the other kiddos. 

I don't think words are necessary . . . just enjoy the cute. 


  1. Love the pictures. Miss the hugs. How about giving me a call sometime?


  2. Love the pictures. Miss the hugs. How about giving me a call sometime?


  3. Great, great shots. Looks like a great session you guys had. Rachelle's awesome.

  4. Soooo adorable! Super cute pictures. You are so right about using a 'real' camera. I need to work on that too.

    Henry and Willy are getting big. William looks like an actor. I love his thick hair. Who cuts it? Could he share some w/ my kids?

    Happy Spring!


  5. Such handsome boys! I love William's haircut. And Henry's little curly-cue.
