Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bunk Bed Bliss

Space is valuable. Very valuable. Especially when living in a 2 bedroom home, with 6 people. We are doing everything we can to save a little space here, and a little space there. With all of the space-saving ideas, Charles had the stroke of genius to get bunk beds. And not just for the kids -- for us. Yes, bunk beds, for man and wife.

At first I thought he was insane! But then I recalled my true feelings about our sleeping arrangements. Read my post on separate beds: Here. And since a king-size bed is out of the question . . . bunk beds seem the natural solution, don't ya think?

Look, I know we are crazy. I know it. We have always been a little crazy. I like being crazy. It suits me well. It makes me happy.

But in reality, people used to sleep in separate beds, separate rooms, etc., as a normal course of action. And though bunk beds aren't for everyone, for now, we are loving this solution to saving space. It is amazing how much more room we have in our room! (Which also doubles as an office.)

I will be honest, the first night on the bottom bunk I felt worried that the top bunk was going to come crashing down on me. (The lady at the bunk bed store guaranteed us 200+ pounds could safely sleep on top.) After Charles tossed and turned a bit without any boards breaking, I felt a little more secure. (They really are sturdy beds.)

I must say, it is surprisingly nice. I have my own space where I can sleep cold, lined with pillows, and curled in my blanket. While Charles can be tucked firmly in place, with tons of blankets piled on top of him, so he can stay toasty warm, like he likes it.

When it comes down to it, we are no further away than we would be on a king-size bed -- we are just up and down, instead of side to side. No big deal.

Now, I don't want you to worry about our relationship or anything. We are good. We are tight. We are still in love.

And don't you worry, we can still hold hands while we are sleeping.


  1. you ARE crazy....but that's why we love you guys! :)

  2. So romantic! I'm all smiles picturing you two in bunk beds. I love it! Great solution.
    I'm glad you are back to blogging again. I hadn't checked in in a while since I knew you were moving.
    It was nice to see pictures of your running trails that were familiar to me by your home. It is a beautiful area.

    And, Spring looks so lovely there. We are still waiting for a little more snow to melt.

    Send more pics soon. love ya,

