Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There have been many signs of the times lately: Earthquakes, tornados, wars and rumors of war, famine, tempests, men's hearts failing them, etc. But of all the signs of the times, for me the one that is the most telling is what is going on with Family History work. The tools available to us now are incredible. The things that used to take a lifetime of effort and searching, can be uncovered in a few clicks of the mouse. The work is moving forward in a pace so quickened it is overwhelmingly exciting. Of all the signs of the times, Family History work -- turning the hearts of the fathers and the children -- is the most glorious sign and work of our generation. It is rolling forward in ways unthinkable! It is why we are here -- to save souls. It is what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about. It is exciting! 

This morning I was feeling a little overwhelmed by the destruction of the tornado that occurred in Oklahoma. I watched the news and tears feel from my eyes, freely. My heart sank, and I felt sad. My heart goes out to those in need at this time. After having those feelings, I needed a pick-me-up, so I got to work. I have spent my day sifting through photos and facts, to upload onto the new website. I got a lot done! And I felt a lot better than dwelling on the destruction, that I have no control over. I found a bunch of pictures to add, and also some new information from Charles' line. Some of my greatest family history finds have been purely from a google search of names and dates. Make sure and try that out. You might be able to find images you never knew about. Keep trying, too. Sometimes you have to type in weird things to find something. Be creative. 

I found a few beauties today while google searching. 
Charles Hines, Charles Great Grandpa 
(There was an obituary written by a child, too, it was super!) 
 Henry Porter van Ormer 
Charles' Grandpa
(second from top right)
Gettysburg College Football Team

I think I was made for this work. My personality is fit for it. I have always been drawn to solving a mystery, uncovering facts, and most of all I LOVE pictures! It is very thrilling to find stories of your very own ancestors, and their personal struggles and accomplishments. They are in you, whether you like it, or not. And uncovering them is uncovering you! 

If you only have minutes to do some searching, do it! Take some time (Sunday is often a good day for it) and cruise around on the new www.familysearch.org website. It is awesome. 

As Elder Richard G. Scott said: 

"Do you want a sure way to eliminate the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors, prepare their names for the sacred vicarious ordinances available in the temple, and then go to the temple to stand as proxy for them to receive the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. I can think of no greater protection from the influence of the adversary in your life."

I think we could all use protection from the adversary, don't you? 

Do some family history!!! I promise you won't regret it. 

The new website is pretty awesome. It is a lot easier to maneuver, and much more user-friendly. It is even pretty! :-) 
My favorite feature is uploading pictures/stories attached directly to the person. You can also share the images on social media. And the images are there for your relatives to have too! Sweet! So, yes, family, all the images I upload will be there for you to have! Yeah! 

The family fan helps to find the missing links, and gives you a jumping point -- somewhere to start Those blank fields need to be found! People are missing! 
Get to it. Go check out the website: www.familysearch.org. Do some work. Add some pictures, and stories, whatever you have. Contact your people to get more information. 

The time for the work is now.  

Let's do it! Woo! 


  1. charles has his great grandpa's eyes! very cool find mari. :)

  2. Well done Mari!
    I'm so grateful you are into Family history. I loved seeing the pics of Grandma and Grandpa Lindquist. Brought a tear to my eye....remembering my time w/ them and what they did to shape a part of who I am today.

    thank you for all the time you take to research and post pictures. I really do appreciate it. Stephen and McKinley love family pictures. I will show them these. Don't know if they are ready to see Henry as the Hulk though : )

