Friday, May 3, 2013

Packing and Precious People

I am always so shocked at the kindness of others. Especially when people go out of their way to be nice, and thoughtful. While we were in the middle of packing chaos (which lasted for weeks, even months, because the other house was so big, and it was SUCH a big move), so many people were so kind to us. We had people who brought yummy treats, and flowers, and the neighbors even brought over bikes for Sam and Dan. It was amazing. SO many people were so fabulous (you know who you are!). I am SO grateful! 

I have to give a special shout-out to my friend Jessica Seppa (who is also Sammi's best friends mom). Jessica was on her way to drop me off a surprise dinner, when she saw me driving down the street away from the house. She turned around and followed me for miles and miles, until I finally stopped at Charles' office, where she jumped out of her car and showered her food and kindness on me and my family. I am glad I wasn't going too far, but she said she would have followed me until she could get it to me. What a woman! I love her! Tears fell down my cheeks as I drove home after a long day of packing, with yummy food and chocolates, which were so timely in their arrival! Thank you SO MUCH Jessica! You are amazing! 

People are so great. 
There is still so much good in this world. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 

 Yum! Yum! 
The new bike (there were two) from the neighbors. 
 The house in chaos . . . 
 Camping on the floor watching old General Conference talks on YouTube. Did you know you can look up really old talks? We watched Ezra Taft Benson speak in 1980 -- it was on the recession, and being frugal. It was AWESOME to go back in time and see what the concerns of the day were, and to see the old tabernacle! 
You should try it. 
Packing is not so fun, but camping as a family in the living room is! The kids loved it. 
 Making do with what we had. :-) 
 I was a little sick during part of the move. I even went to the doctor (which I have not done for over a year). Apparently, I had a virus. I am better now. 

 And Henry, just cause he is cute. :-) 

I LOVE YOU!!!!! 

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