Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hulk Baby

Henry goes in on Friday, to determine whether or not he will need surgery. We have been waiting for this day for over a year now. And even though we know everything will be OK, it still causes some inner-anxiety when we think about it. It is one of those concerns that you try to suppress and push down. But in reality, yeah, I am concerned. I know it will be OK, I know it, but that does not change the fact that my heart races every time I think about it. My heart races when I think about his well-being, his future issues, and even on a worldly level -- the cost. But that is, only if he needs surgery.

He may not.

And if he does not need surgery, then what? Does that mean he is good to go, with no future problems with his kidneys? I don't know. There are a lot of unknowns that will all (hopefully) be revealed to me this Friday.

On Friday he will have a renal ultrasound, and a VCUG. (Running dye through his system to see if he is refluxing.) He will not be happy about that! But after Friday I can at least KNOW, and PLAN, and MOVE FORWARD!!!! Thank goodness. A year is a long time to wait for answers!

William has been praying for Henry. Yesterday at Dinner he prayed, "Please bless that if Henry needs surgery, he will not turn into the Hulk."

Maybe we watch the Avengers a little too much at our house. :-)

Say a little prayer for Henry. He will be ok. But we definitely don't want our sweet, calm, charming, baby to turn into the Hulk!