Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Damage Control

This last year we rented our home out to an extremely lame tenant. (I am being nice by not calling him nasty names.) He was often late with rent, and he caused a bunch of damage to our once pristine home. We had it spotless, updated, and beautiful -- and he ruined it in almost every way. He had cats and dogs, though we had a no pet policy. They peed on the floors, and ruined them -- we had to replace them. He damaged our brand new shower. He took a chunk out of the travertine tile in the kitchen. He broke built-in shelves, and ripped our projector from the ceiling, he ruined our yard . . . I could go on and on. This was just one guy? We have 6 people -- including little kids -- in the house and we have not done that much damage! Crazy??! 

Since we moved back into our home over a month ago, we had to do a lot of repair work so we would be comfortable at home again. We took care of the inside before moving back in, and it looks fabulous. (We just need to paint the kitchen and put the trim back on.) And now we are on to restoring the yard. Since he did not water/weed the front garden area it all was over grown with grass, and most of it was dead. We have spent the last month ripping everything out (which was a PAIN!!) and now we are going for a more clean and simple plan -- grass. The image above is what we have done. We put in the retaining wall, and we just planted the seed a few days ago. (Just in time for some nice rain the last few days!) It is time to watch grass grow again. I am getting good at this grass-growing thing. I was sad to rip all the garden out from the picture below, but it was dead and nasty. It had to be done. Sad, sad, sad. Though the grass will be SO much easier to take care of, which is nice for me. We will find a way to make it attractive and beautiful again, with some yard accessories, etc. 
The renter also left a huge crop circle in the backyard since he had an above ground pool in the yard. (I had a picture of it, but I can't find it?) Anyway, the whole yard was mostly dead (he did not water) and you can see the outline of the circle, but just barley now. It was just dirt a month ago. And the lawn was all choppy and brown and weed-infested. Now, after some tender love and care (I love my precious yard), I am very close to having my glorious lawn again. Those grass blades are my babies . . . I planted them ALL. I am so grateful to see it restored and revived to almost its former glory. We are getting there. We will get there. 

The yard right now. (Needs to be mowed, but it is growing nicely!) 
You can kind of see the crop circle and weeds better in this one . . . and an incoming storm. (Thank you weed and feed for making my lawn lovely!) 
Perhaps you recall what our yard looked like when we very first moved in almost 5 years ago . . . it was a jungle-like mess. That ground was a foot deep of dead leaves and tree debris. It was an untamed wilderness, full of bugs, spiders, rocks, and gunk. 
It took a LONG time but we ripped everything out ourselves and hauled away tons and tons of garbage and debris. 
We even dug out all the rocks in the whole yard, so the grass would be happy. 
 We hauled in a bunch of fresh dirt. 
 The grass started to grow . . . 
Do you know how happy grass-growing makes me?? 
 A few years ago we ripped out the huge trees (I was super sad, but they were so dangerous over the house. Every time the wind blew a branch would fall), and we put up a new fence. 

I am close to getting our yard back to its happy place . . . we are almost there again!  We will get there! 

Remind me to never rent out a house again! 


  1. That's horrible. How can someone be so bad right? Who are these people.
    Our yard needs help as well. I need your grass growing skillz.

  2. Your yard will look great again....just in time to enjoy during the summer! :) What kind of weed and feed do you use?

  3. What an idiot! Why can't people take care of things?
