Friday, May 3, 2013

Signs of Spring

 I am loving my new (old) running trails. In Surprise Valley we were limited to the trail in the neighborhood, but now I have tons of choices again, and I love that. It is really beautiful here in the Spring. The smells have been so fabulously fragrant. I often have to stop running just to stick my face in a flower tree, and suck in the intoxicating aroma. I pick a few flowers to bring home with me too. 

Sometimes I see animals when I am out, mostly deer, bunnies, and birds. But sometimes there are fox and other critters. 
  They are constructing a huge new park, and it is almost finished. It is beautiful, and it has added tons of new places to jog, so I am happy for that! 
 Our neighbor's tree . . . where falcons like to perch. 
 This has to be one of the most fragrant places in Boise. It is by the river, with tons of flower trees = AMAZINGLY YUMMY! And beautiful too, especially in the morning hours. 

 I feel lucky to be so close to such lovely places. 
 Spring is one of my favorite seasons . . . it is right above Fall. I guess I like the change, and the perfect temperatures! I am enjoying every minute of it! 

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