Monday, May 27, 2013

Family Pictures

 I read somewhere that wearing bright, obnoxious, colors, is the best option for family pictures. (No, not really.) Actually, instead of dressing-up and pretending our family is picture-perfect, I told the kids to wear what they would normally wear (like school clothes, not pajamas, though I considered that, too). As a result we ended up with a rainbow-colored family. 

Our next photos in the Fall will be more "fancy" and well thought out months ahead of time. But for now, we are what we are. Take it, or leave it. 

*Thanks again to Rachelle for taking the time to take the beautiful pictures! Love them! 
My sweet babies. 

Beautiful Sammi pondering life 

Love it. So pretty. 
So lucky they are mine! 

Daddy and his boys
Love this! 
Look at that face! 
Family Pyramid
(Thanks, Tyson, for keeping Henry from falling) 

So precious 
Dan the man
Blowin in the wind 
The End
(And my favorite picture of Henry, ever.)


  1. Those pic's are just beautiful. I wanted to see some of you and Charles though or you and Sammy the {girlz} shot.
    Love the photo's I think Rachelle is better than what she let's on ;)

  2. As Melissa said....where is the girls shot? I am bummed that I failed to get one of you and Charles. I remember mentioning it but it never happened. Too much going on I guess. :)

    1. I am afraid the girl shots were a little too close-up for my comfort level. Not to mention my shirt was a little too tight in the wrong places. :-) We will get a good one next time! Maybe I will even do my hair, and wear something nice. Maybe. Thanks again!

      Oh, and thanks for the reality-check on our bodies. (Yikes!) Charles went and bought a bike yesterday to "get in shape." :-)

  3. Great pictures! (The I love the shots by the water where the sunshine lights the kids up, and the ones where your husband is tossing the baby up and catching him. Baby smiles radiate a pure, contagious joy.

  4. Love my "colorful" family. Miss you all

