Friday, May 31, 2013

Evening Time

 Some evenings are just amazing. There are times when the planets align, and everything seems just glorious, and perfect. Last night was one of those nights. The temperature was amazing, the sky was crisp and blue, with white puffy clouds. The lawn was freshly mowed, the air was intoxicating, and the kids were playing frisbee. It was just a good moment. A rose-colored moment. I loved every minute of it. I love seeing my kiddos happy together. 

Henry tried to join in. He REALLY wanted that frisbee. 
 Happy Henry. 
 Just kicking back, and loving the moment. 
Who wouldn't love not wearing pants and being free? 
 Love the smell of grass in the evening. Yum. 
Savor it. Soak in the moments. They are precious! 

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