Friday, May 31, 2013

Empty Slats

Every night I go to bed looking at the bottom side of the top bunk. I have decided I need to do something about it. I mean, just look at those blank pieces of wood. Are they not just crying out for crayons, markers, or carvings with a pocketknife? Yes, yes, they are!

I can remember when I was a little girl, I would often take a crayon, or marker, and write on a piece of furniture, like a set of drawers. I also remember being so smart that I would not write my own name -- I would write my sister's name, so I would not get in trouble. Oh yeah, I am clever. Awesome little me.

After sleeping in the bunk bed, my desire to write on furniture has returned. And now that I am a grown-up, I can do it without guilt. No one is gonna stop me . . . wah, HA, ha!

So, I am trying to think what to do with these blank slats?? I do know I would like to draw on them. I would like to fill them with motivational quotes, pictures, and sayings. Maybe I will have the kids draw on them, too. I want it to be awesome -- cause I am a married woman sleeping in a bunk bed. I think I deserve for it to awesome. Don't you?

I want to lie in bed at night and have inspiration staring back at me. Motivation. And when I am done with the bunk bed I will save the slats forever and hand them down to my posterity, so they can know for certain that we were crazy, and awesome.

So, any ideas? Any favorite motivational quotes? (Spiritual, or otherwise.) Come on, think! I need good stuff.

Also, while we are talking about the bunk beds, I wanted to address a question that was posed to me a few days ago . . .

I had a mother tell me that her teenage son saw how Charles and I sleep in bunk beds, and he was concerned. His concern was how we could possibly live without being "close" to each other, and snuggling, and things of that sort. (Which I will not discuss here since this is a G-rated blog!) I want to reassure this young man -- and anyone else who is concerned -- that back in the olden days, couples used to sleep in separate beds, and somehow produced 13 children.

So, please, pretty please, do not worry your sweet little heads about such things. Charles and I love each other now, more than ever. And maybe even more because we have our separate sleeping spaces!

No really, I think separate beds might become a thing of the future.


  1. *Love is really spelled T-I-M-E.
    *I am the guardian of the hearth.
    *Proverbs 3:5
    *2nd Corinthians 5:7
    *Heavenly Father will not require anything without preparing the way.
    *Remember, in the end, it is the merciful who obtain mercy.
    *Freedom of choice is the freedom to obey or disobey existing laws-not the freedom to alter their consequences.
    *Choose your love, love your choice.

    That's all I got right now.

  2. i think you should give one slat to each of your kids to decorate for you. they could color it, write what they love about you, write about is the limit. you could even section it out, give them a section every year for the next few years and see what they choose as they grow and and change. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I dunno, dad. Pretty sure I could find some real life examples from our own family history. ;-) wink!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Maybe not from your about John Murray Murdoch. Separate beds, separate houses, separate wives. ;-)

      Don't worry our bunkbeds are only temporary. And 13 kids are out of the question! There is a king size bed in our future, I am sure.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Proverbs 6:9 and 20:13 could be considered motivational. Yep, good stuff.

    Really, I like that idea of letting the kids decorate, at least some of the space. Are the slats wide enough to fit colorful footprints of the kids? (With their names on them.) There are various gospel art cards small enough to fit the slats. You could trade them out now and then for variety. Pics of temples, or Jesus with children, or family photos - whatever inspires you at the time. You could string a garland or two of nice looking fake flowers around the perimeter of the slat area, or hang drapey bouquets at the four under-corners. It might be fun to dangle enough flower strands down from one side of the top bunk to make a curtain (or use nice fabric like a canopy bed).

  6. My cousin said that exact same thing as your dad about separate beds. Something about how they couldn't show them in the same bed. I would be interested to know how common it really was or not. I say if it works for you go ahead. Someday you'll be someones family history story, with pictures and all.;) Your still happy and in love and that's all that matters right?

  7. "My greatest blessings call me "Mom"."

    "Grant me patience to deal with my greatest blessings."

    "You are the trip I did not take;
    You are the pearls I cannot buy;
    You are my blue Italian lake;
    You are my piece of foreign sky."

  8. Lovin all the ideas... It is giving me another idea. Thanks!!!

  9. I think the quote I put up might actually be "Grant me patience to deal with my little blessings" (your children of course.) I can't quite remember.

  10. I think that my parents are pretty cool to sleep in bunk beds! It shows that they're pretty young, and awesome! I have another idea! On each slat, write ten things your thankful for! Hmmm...maybe Henry and I could get a bunkbed....... ; ) -Sammi

  11. I vote for Sammi's idea!

    President Monson counsels us to live w/ an attitude of gratitude. Way to follow the prophet Sam! You rock!


  12. You rock to Kary! : )
